Vino Vinyasa Yoga

Stretches for watching TV & sipping wine

As we are all sheltering in place, get off the couch and onto a yoga mat or blanket and move your body while you binge Tiger King and drink some vino. Check out some of my favorites below:

This first pose is a chest opener - I am on two (foam) yoga blocks with a blanket over the block under my head to make it more comfy. You can achieve this chest opener with throw pillows as well! A few pillows or one block under your thoracic spine and a taller stack of pillows or a block on a taller height under your head.

Low lunge is pretty easy to hold while you watch a show, for a challenge lift the back knee! Use a blanket or pillow under the back knee if itโ€™s down for extra comfort.

Half pigeon, but stay upright as to not crank your neck.

Seated straddle: put a pillow or blanket under your sits bones to help your spine stay straight. You can stretch over each leg, but be careful with your neck if youโ€™re looking up at the TV.

Seated twist - just make sure you set it up so you twist towards the TV and do not crank your neck!

Thread the needle behind your back - if you cannot touch your finger tips, grab your shirt - or try reverse prayer.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Neck stretches to each side - gently use the weight of your hand to bring your head towards your shoulder.

Lotus pose (pictured) or badakhanasana/butterfly pose (heels of feet together, knees apart - can put pillows under each knee!) for another hip stretch.๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ